By LBT Technology Group, LLC. on Monday, 01 April 2024
Category: Security

AWS 'FlowFixation' vulnerabiltiy

Threat update

The AWS "FlowFixation" vulnerability, while patched in September 2023, may still pose account hijacking risks within its Amazon Managed Workflows Apache Airflow (MWAA) service. Read this Cybersecurity Threat Advisory to learn the impact and security measures to mitigate risks associated with this vulnerability. 

Technical Detail and Additional Info

What is the threat?

The FlowFixation flaw in AWS Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow could have allowed attackers to hijack accounts if paired with a misconfiguration. The attack comes from a session fixation issue in the MWAA web management panel combined with an AWS domain misconfiguration, creating risks of cross-site scripting threats. Bad actors can exploit this flow to gain unauthorized access to user accounts in Amazon Managed Workflows Apache Airflow without any user involvement. Upon a successful exploitation, attackers can manipulate users into using the attacker's session to take over the victim's web management panel. 

Why is it noteworthy?

This vulnerability is noteworthy as it can lead to account hijacking and provide unauthorized access to sensitive AWS resources. Given the adoption of AWS services across various industries, the exploitation of this vulnerability could have severe consequences, including data breaches and financial loss. 

What is the exposure or risk?

The "FlowFixation" vulnerability exposes organizations to the risk of account hijacking and unauthorized access to AWS resources. Exploitation of this vulnerability could result in data breaches, financial loss, and reputational damage. The potential for unauthorized activities within the AWS environment could lead to organizational resilience and business operations disruption. 

What are the recommendations?

LBT Technology Group, LLC. recommends the following preventative steps to minimize the risks and strengthen the security posture:


 For more in-depth information about the recommendations, please visit the following links:

If you have any questions, please contact LBT's Sales Engineer.

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